Pat's Photo Gallery

November 9 - 26, 2010
Page Eighteen

Belize - Ambergris Caye and San Pedro

Little did we know when we were snorkelling, that if we wanted to see stingrays
we could just walk out to the dock in front of our hotel. You can see a couple of
kids touching the stingrays, something that I did not think was a good idea. Most
of the time, there probably wouldn't be a problem, but you never know. The reason
why the stingrays had gathered so close to shore is that the guy in red was scaling and
cleaning fish that had been caught on a fishing trip. He was throwing fish remnants in the
water, and the stingrays had learned this would happen regularly.

A stingray near shore

3 school girls in their uniforms walking on the beach
on their way to school stopped to pose for their picture.

The 3 girls on their way to school. Note that Hannah Montana is popular here, too.

A baby sleeping on the beach. The mother was there selling handwoven goods.

A great egret looking for a meal

Older school kids on their way to school. Looked
like there was some courting going on.

Part of the shoreline along San Pedro

The beach around Ramon's Village Resort. This was about the best beach we saw.
Most of the shoreline is not well suited to swimming.

A male frigatebird flying overhead. I also saw a lot of these on my Galapagos trip
in 2007.

Typical street in San Pedro

Wednesday night before Thanksgiving we ate dinner at this outdoor restaurant next
to the Caribbean. Of course, we had lobster. We liked this place so much that we
came back the next night for Thanksgiving dinner and ate, of course, lobster. They had
a turkey dinner option, but, as I said before, it was lobster season there, and the lobster
was wonderful. From left to right are Marvin Fields and Kate Brennan from Pittsburgh,
Esther Moscona from San Diego, and Steve (Soodong) and Young (Sihyoung) Woo
from La Crescenta, California. The name of the restaurant is the Blue Water Grill.

After dinner, we passed by this place and stopped briefly to watch the activity.
Outside the Pier Lounge, home of their proclaimed "World Famous Chicken Drop."
I think several beers or mixed drinks would be necessary to fully enjoy this place.
The object of the chicken drop, to the best I could understand it, is that someone
drops the chicken on to a board with numbers on it. People participating each take a
number. The person who has the number that the chicken defecates on gets a prize.

Eating breakfast at the outdoor bar and restaurant at the Sunbreeze Suites. The
final few days at San Pedro was a relaxing way to end the trip.

A lizard hanging out close to shoreline

An iguana trying to hide under some lumber

Our final day, we departed from San Pedro at their "airport." You can see the
baggage claim area in the foreground, and the one runway.

Walking toward our small plane. They managed to fit us and the luggage into it.
We sat right behind the pilot. We flew to Belize City where we caught our respective
planes back to our home destinations, the day after Thanksgiving.

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