Pat's Photo Gallery

Morocco - Overseas Adventure Travel tour
April 5-25, 2022
Part One - Pre-trip to northwest Morocco
Page Four - Tangier

Tangier is on the Moroccan coast at the western entrance to the
 Strait of Gibraltar where the Mediterranean Sea meets the Atlantic Ocean.
France and Spain created an international zone in Tangier when they split
Morocco into French and Spanish protectorates.

A farmer walking his donkeys seen on our drive from
Chefchaouen to Tangier.

As elsewhere in northwestern Morocco, we saw
storks perched on their nests on towers.

Nearing Tangier, we stopped at an overlook where you
can sometimes see the Rock of Gibraltar. This shows
some of the countryside from the overlook.

Rock of Gibraltar barely visible in the distance

At the intersection of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean

Eagle on Mike's head. His owner was hanging out
at this tourist spot. For a fee, you could interact with it.

Young child at this popular tourist spot at Cape Spartel,
where the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean intersect.

Entering Caves Of Hercules at Cape Spartel, 9 miles west of

At Cape Spartel in the Caves of Hercules,
which has an opening to the sea and an opening to land.

As noted, the cave has two openings, one to sea and one to land. The sea opening is known
as "The Map of Africa." It is believed that the Phoenicians created the sea opening
which is in the shape of Africa when looked at from the sea. There are also some
markings on the wall in the shape of eyes, that are said to be made by the
Phoenicians, which make up a map of the local area. The cave itself is part
natural and part man-made. The man-made part was used by Berber
people to cut stone wheels from the walls, to make millstones,
thus expanding the cave considerably.

A Moroccan father with his children at Cape Spartel

View of Tangier from my room

In Tangier

Morocco has beautiful, decorative lanterns

Some of the harbor area in Tangier, seen from inside
the kasbah (citadel) in the city.

Our pre-trip group: Bonnie, Sara, Becky, Pat, Ruth, Mike

Beautiful flowers everywhere

View in the kasbah

A tailor working

Closeup of the tailor, a very friendly man who
was happy to talk to us about his occupation.
Our guide acted as interpreter.

Another friendly gentleman who went out of his way
to welcome us to his city and country.

Typical street

Older woman that had been shopping

Meat for sale at a market area

Goat heads for sale. Yes, they are eaten.

Some of the wide variety of fish for sale at a fish market

A yellow-legged gull with another gull

The Jewish cemetery in Tangier, contains more than 1,000 graves,
some of them dating back to the 16th century. Very few Jews still live in
Tangier as many emigrated to Israel and elsewhere.

At the only National Historic landmark outside the U.S., a 200 year
old building, the American Legation in Tangier. Morocco was the first
country in the world to recognize U.S. independence from Great Britain.

There were turtles in the courtyard of the American Legation.
One of the turtles left his piece of lettuce and crawled over
right up to my shoe.

We sat for a while at a cafe sipping tea or other beverages and watched
Tangier residents going about their day.

Along the coastline in Tangier outside the kasbah.

We took a fast train to Rabat from Tangier to start the main trip
with the 4 additional people who were arriving from the U.S. This
is a view of some of the modern city of Tangier outside the kasbah,
taken from the front of the train station.

Leaving the train station in Rabat. McDonald's is well established in

Link to Page Five - Rabat

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