Pat's Photo Gallery

Uganda and Rwanda - Overseas Adventure Travel tour
June, 2023
Part One - Pre-trip to Uganda

Page Two - Murchison Falls National Park and Nile River Cruise

My room in the center of the photo at Pakuba Safari Lodge near the Nile River

Agama lizard near my room

We took a Nile River cruise and saw this baby Nile Crocodile.

A female hippopotamus that rose up out of the water in front of our quite small river boat,
because she thought we were getting too close to her baby that was behind her.

Crocodile in the water

Group of hippos in the water

African Darter

African Fish Eagle

Red-throated bee-eater

Water lilies

Malachite Kingfisher

Crocodile that splashed into the water near my boat. Boat captain heard the splash, thought I had fallen in, and was horrified.
When he saw me still in the boat, he was so relieved.

Buffalo along the Nile River

White-faced whistling duck along the shoreline

Egyptian geese and white-faced whistling ducks with a warthog

African jacana

Spur-winged lapwing

Pied Kingfisher

Goliath Heron

Birds perched on a rock on the water near Murchison Falls

Murchison Falls in the background. This is as close as our boat could get.

Buffalo and hippos near the shoreline

Sunset over the Nile River in Uganda

Tawny Eagle

Red-throated bee-eater

African jacana

Long-crested eagle

Red-throated Bee-eater

Little Bee-eater

Carmine Bee-eater

White-backed Vulture

Open-billed stork

Palm-nut Vulture

Link to Page Three - Murchison Falls National Park continued

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