Pat's Photo Gallery

Uganda and Rwanda - Overseas Adventure Travel tour
June, 2023
Part One - Pre-trip to Uganda

Page Four - Heading to Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary

Baboons alongside the road. They like to come out along and next to roads to warm up after spending the night in trees.

Baboon babies playing

An unscheduled stop to talk to some people on a farm about their lives.

Our Ugandan tour guide, Michael, is on the right.

The woman on the left told us she does a lot of the farming while her husband runs a business. You can see that they cook over a fire.

Open-billed storks

At Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary on a rhino trek.
We trekked through tricky marshland to try to find some rhinos, and eventually saw a group of six.

Facial closeup of the same white rhinoceros

Trekking back to our safari van, a mama and baby rhino were grazing
a couple hundred yards from the van near the Sanctuary headquarters.


Vervet Monkey sitting alongside the road

Turtle on the road

On a nature walk along the Lugogo Wetlands

Grey-headed kingfisher

Pin-tailed whydah

Long-tailed cormorant

Speckled mousebird

We did a canoe ride through Lugogo Wetlands after the nature walk

Grey-headed kingfisher

Bug at Amuka Safari Lodge, where we stayed when visiting Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary

Male bushbuck. The males have horns.

School kids seen on the drive back to Entebbe

Typical local market, along the road back to Entebbe,
Uganda where we took a one hour flight to Kigali, Rwanda.

Link to Page One of Uganda

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