Pat's Photo Gallery

Hiking in Patagonia - Chile and Argentina
February 2-18, 2013
Part One - Chile

Page Seven - Grey Glacier

Beautiful lake
Los Patos Lagoon while hiking to Grey Glacier from Lodge Paine Grande

View of some icebergs in Lago Grey

Grey Glacier and Lake Grey
Viewpoint of Lago Grey and Grey Glacier, at the south end of the Southern Patagonia
Ice Field. Grey Glacier is one of the most beautiful of the many beautiful destinations
within the National Park Torres del Paine. The name of the glacier
came from the color of the water and icebergs, which are mixed with various tonalities of blue.

Sergio and Pat
Tour leader Sergio and Pat at viewpoint above Lago Grey (Lake Grey)
and Grey Glacier. Photo taken by tour participant Donna Clark.
I'm carrying my low cut hiking shoes so that I didn't have to wear my high
cut boots the 2 evenings we did not have access to our main luggage.

Grey Glacier
Another view of Grey Glacier further along the trail

Yellow flower
It was well past prime wildflower season, but there were still many out, especially along this trail.

Digitalis (foxgloves)

Grey Glacier
We boarded a small boat for closeup views of Grey Glacier that flows into Lago Grey from 3 points.

Grey Glacier

Grey Glacier

Glacier closeup
Glacier closeup


Glacier closeup

Grey Glacier
Leaving Grey Glacier

Peak creating its own weather
Paine Grande, elevation 10,006 feet. Paine Grande is the highest peak
of the Torres del Paine N.P., and is on the west side.
Paine Grande rises at the west end of the massif, and is covered in snow and ice.

Paine Grande
Paine Grande as seen from the boat on Lago Grey

Closeup of Paine Grande

Tour guides and Jeff on boat
Tour leader Sergio from Mexico, local Chilean guide Tomas, and Jeff
on the boat that we took to view Grey Glacier up close after
hiking to the Glacier. The boat took us to Hosteria Grey on Grey Lake
where we spent the night before heading the next morning
to El Calafate, Argentina.

Link to Page Eight - Grey Lake and departing Torres del Paine National Park

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