Pat's Photo Gallery

New York City, Holland and Belgium in the Springtime
April 19 - May 6, 2014

Part Three - River Cruise Begins

Page 7 - Zuiderzee Outdoor Museum, Home Visit, Ship Entertainment

A duck on the walkway to our cruise ship docked at

great crested grebe
A Great Crested Grebe in the water next to our boat.

Zuiderzee Museum
Zuiderzee Museum in Enkhuizen, an open-air museum reflecting village life
around the Zuiderzee throughout history. Most of the buildings in the
museum come from other locations in the Netherlands.

baby goat
A baby goat on a farm at the outdoor museum

Zuiderzee Museum
View of the Zuiderzee Outdoor Museum

The day Pat toured this open air museum, kids were having fun
being dressed in traditional Dutch costume.




Another goat at another farm site at the museum

fishing boat
Typical fishing boat with fish nets

Dutch boy sitting in an old boat at the museum

home visit
The cruise passengers were divided into small groups for a
visit to the home of a local family for good conversation and
treats, including a stroopwafel, a thin, waffle-like
cookie sandwich with a sweet chewy center. Yummy!

Our hostess walked with us from her home back toward the harbor
area. Here is a muscovy duck in one of the canals.

muscovy duck
Muscovy duck

Hema store in Enkhuizen
Hema is a Dutch discount retail chain that appears to be
like Wal-Mart. Almost any town of any significance in the
Netherlands has one.

folk group
Entertainment on board ship that night. A local folk group
came aboard dressed in traditional costume and danced for us.

folk dancers

traditional hat

Link to Page 8 - Keukenhof Gardens

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