Pat's Photo Gallery

Thailand - February 2005
Part Four of Ten

Sa Si
Wat Sa Si at Sukhothai

  Walking Buddha
Walking Buddha in Wat Sa Si, posture possibly represents
Buddha's descent from heaven after he had visited his mother

Pat with Walking Buddha
Pat with Walking Buddha

Memorial to former king
Memorial to King Ramkamhaeng, (1279-98), Sukhothai's most illustrious ruler,
credited with inventing the Thai alphabet

Mosquito netting
Mosquito netting tent surrounds bedding at a farm home where we made an impromptu stop
The family graciously allowed us to look at their home

Inside farm home
Inside farm home

Indigo batik shop
Indigo batik shop in Phrae, Thailand
Worker is putting a design on the cloth before the dye process

Garlic field
Field worker holder up garlic she's pulling up and tying


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