Pat's Photo Gallery

May 22 - June 7, 2009
Page 12
Driving from Cappadocia Area to Fethiye on the Mediterranean Sea

Dikaat, the center of the Hittites. Has a natural spring and statues of the heads of 3 gods. This pond and
natural spring is where people with a Hittite background still celebrate their start of spring on May 5.
The site was built around 1500 BC.

Hittite vendors
Women hurriedly set up their wares shortly after we arrived to view Dikaat. Here our tour group
looks at the handmade goods. I bought 2 pairs of handmade woolen socks here. Note the typical
pants of the female vendor.

Aspendos Aqueduct - Aspendos was a small Greek town in Pamphilia, now in southern Turkey.
The aqueduct was probably built in the second half of the third century.

2 camels sitting outside the Aspendos Roman era theater. Camel riding or picture taking with camels
is often offered at tourist spots in Turkey.

Aspendos Theater - perhaps the best preserved Roman
theater in the world. Around 100 AD, the Romans occupied
Aspendos and built a theater that took 19 years to build.

This 15,000 seat theater is still in use for large concerts and events today. The Aspendos area is about
25 miles east of the city of Antalya.

Our tour guide Rana dressed up for our evening meal at
our hotel in the town of Antalya, where we spent 2 nights,
before continuing on our way to Fethiye, where we were scheduled
to start our yacht cruise.

Antalya street
One of the picturesque, narrow side streets in
the old section of Antalya

Perge stadium
Part of the ruins of Perge - The Stadium, a 2nd century structure is one of the best-conserved arenas in the ruins
of the Anatolian region of Turkey. Seating on average at least 12,000 spectators, the stadium had 30 rooms under
the rows of seats used for admittance as well as shops. Perge was a major trade center.
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