Pat's Photo Gallery

May 22 - June 7, 2009
Page 15
Driving from Cappadocia Area to Fethiye on the Mediterranean Sea

View from the Myra amphitheater of numerous greenhouses growing tomatoes. Most of Turkey's tomatoes are
grown in this region. They are delicious.

Mask friezes
Some of the numerous mask friezes decorating the amphitheater

St Nicholas statue
Statue of St Nicholas in the town of Demre. In the 4th century
AD, St Nicholas was the bishop of this area and was known as
a protector of children. He is the model for Santa Claus.
He is the patron saint of Russia.

St Nicholas Church
Inside the Church of St Nicholas in Demre. It was built by the
Romans in the 6th century.

At St Nicholas Museum
Rana told us that Russian tourists, whom we saw in abundance here, are told by their tour guides
that the tomb of St Nicholas is in this church. Indeed, we saw Russians reverently touching and praying
at what they thought was his tomb. Actually, his tomb was taken to Italy.

Fish Restaurant
We ate lunch at the creatively named Fish Restaurant, where we Then we continued
on our way to the town of Fethiye. Notice that the restaurant is decorated with Coca Cola banners.

Entering the town of Fethiye on the Mediterranean in southern Turkey

Fethiye harbor
The harbor area at Fethiye
Link to first page of Mediterranean Cruise - Page 16
Link to first page of Drive from Cappadocia to Fethiye on the Mediterranean - Page 11
Link to first page of Cappadocia - Page 6
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