Pat's Photo Gallery

May 22 - June 7, 2009
Page 19

Mediterranean Cruise, Aegean Sea, and Ephesus

School kids
We drove north from Marmaris initially paralleling the Aegean Sea coast but well inland. Our destination
was the popular seaside town of Kusadasi on the Aegean. At a lunch stop along the way, we ran into yet
another group of school kids, who were thrilled to have their picture taken so that they could look at themselves
on the LCD screen of our cameras. They kept jostling each other to get into our photos.

Excited kids
School pals

This girl was very shy and was being pushed away by the other
kids whenever anyone took a picture, so I took her photo so she could see it.

St John Basilica entrance
Before arriving in Kusadasi, we viewed the ruins of the 6th century Basilica of St John.

St John Basilica
The Basilica of St. John was a great church in Ephesus constructed by Emperor Justinian in the 6th century.
It stood over the believed burial site of St. John, the apostle.The basilica is on the slopes of Ayasoluk Hill near the center
of the town of Selçuk, just below a Roman fortress about 2 miles from Ephesus. During St John's era, this area
was the Temple of Artemis. It is believed that St John, who lived to be 97 to 103, brought the Virgin Mary
to live at the temple. Later she moved to a house on the other side of the hill.

Map of area
Rana explaining a map of the area to us

St John tomb
St. John's grave was marked by a memorial and enclosed by a church of modest proportions in the 4th century.
In the 6th century, Emperor Justinian (527-565 AD) believed that a tomb was John's, so he built a magnificient church
on the site dedicated to the saint. It is believed that John died in the church named for him on Ayasoluk Hill.

St John's tomb
Another view of the tomb of St John

Girl at St John's
A very young tourist posing for her mom at the ruins of St John's Basilica

View of Selcuk district from St John's Basilica

Seaside town of Kusadasi, where we spent our last 2 nights in Turkey. This view is from our hotel.

Cruise ships
Big cruise liners in the harbor of Kusadasi. Kusadasi has a residential population of 50,000
rising to over half a million during the summer when the large resort fills with tourists
from Turkey itself, northern Europe and the Balkans.
Link to next page of Mediterranean Cruise - Page 20
Link to first page of Drive from Cappadocia to Fethiye on the Mediterranean - Page 11
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