Pat's Photo Gallery

May 22 - June 7, 2009
Page 21

Mediterranean Cruise, Aegean Sea, and Ephesus

Ephesus Museum
Inside the Ephesus Museum that has beautifully displayed marble and bronze statues and frescoes.
Which one of these guys is the ancient Roman? Is one the ancestor of the other?

Statue of Ataturk outside the Ephesus Museum.
Ataturk is the founder of modern Turkey and is widely revered.

Kusadasi Beach
Beach at Kusadasi - After touring the Ephesus ruins and the Museum, we were on our own to walk around
the town of Kusadasi, and we had lunch at a seaside restaurant.

View of sculpture from the sidewalk along the large avenue running alongside the sea.

Hotel view
View of our hotel, The Kismet, which stands on a promontory in the Aegean Sea

Hotel pool
Some of us enjoyed the Kismet Hotel's swimming pool in the late afternoon of our last full day in Turkey.

Final cocktail hour
Gathering together for the last time for wine and snacks and toasting before our farewell dinner.

Kusadasi at dusk
Kusadasi at dusk at dinner time. On the morning of June 7, our minibus took us to the nearby metropolitan
city of Izmir where we caught our flights back to the U.S. Everyone flew to Munich and took different
flights from there to our various destinations in Michigan, California, Canada, and Colorado. Thanks to
Dottie and Paul for organizing this wonderful adventure in Turkey and thanks to our excellent guide Rana.
Link to first page of Mediterranean Cruise, Aegean Sea, and Ephesus - Page 16
Link to first page of Drive from Cappadocia to Fethiye on the Mediterranean - Page 11
Link to first page of Cappadocia - Page 6
Link to Page One of Turkey- Istanbul
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