Pat's Photo Gallery

Iceland - June 20 - July 2, 2017

Page Six

The fourth day of the guided hiking tour we drove to the gorge of Eldgja,
a 25 mile long volcanic rift formed during a violent 10th century eruption
that produced the greatest amount of lava ever recorded and later to
the Landmannalauger area, a very popular hiking and camping spot.

We drove to the gorge of Eldgja, a 25 mile long volcanic
rift formed during a violent 10th century eruption that
produced the greatest amount of lava ever recorded.

Ofaerufoss Waterfall
We hiked into the rift to see Ofaerufoss Waterfall

hiking to waterfall
We crossed this stream to get close to the waterfall.
You can see part of the trail in the background to
the right of the waterfall

stream crossing
The stream crossing was not well suited to people
with short legs.

Ofaerufoss Waterfall

Back at the van at the trailhead parking, where we
had a picnic lunch

Icelandic horses at our next stop in the volcanic
region of Landmannalauger.

We hiked about 3 hours in the Landmannalauger area,
in the Fjallabak Nature Reserve, seeing rhyolite mountains
and geothermal activity.

Nature Reserve
The surface of this area is covered predominantly
with black lava and pumice stone.

rhyolite mountains

hot spring

Back out near the trailhead parking


car tent
We saw this kind of car camping a few times.

Link to Page Seven - Iceland Hiking

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