Pat's Photo Gallery

Iceland - June 20 - July 2, 2017

Page Seven
We spent two days hiking in the Thorsmark region, which is
surrounded by mountains and glaciers and is only accessible via
4-wheel drive vehicles. We drove along the foothills of the Eyjafjallajokull
volcano that erupted in 2010.

Flowers on a trail that led back to an outlet glacier where
the flood from the 2010 eruption came down.

volcanic action
The large gap in the rock was created in 24 hours by the
Eyjafjallajokull volcanic eruption.

Kristjan and Ivar
Main guide Kristjan and assistant guide Ivar (in red).
Kristjan was explaining some of the impacts of the 2010 eruption.


Listening to Kristjan (Ivar, Jeff, Polly and Gene (from Denver), Erica (Chicago)

lava field

The barren flood area

We did a second hike back into this canyon to see a small waterfall.

About to walk into a narrow section where the waterfall was

Part of the waterfall can be seen here.

Walking back out

Green moss on the canyon walls

We saw a variety of flowers on the hike.


van stuck
On the way to a remote campsite called Godaland, our 4-wheel
drive van had to cross glacial rivers. As we were nearing the
campground, the van got stuck in one of them. Here our driver
has rolled up his pants legs and has just talked to another driver
who was going to use a rope to pull us out of the river.

While we were waiting in the van to be towed, this bus successfully
crossed in the opposite direction. We eventually drove across the
river using the same lane this bus had.

putting up tent
Jeff putting up our tent while I'm taking a photo. Tents, sleeping bags,
mats, blankets, pillows were all provided by REI Adventures.
All of the equipment were REI products, of course.

van and food tent
Our van with storage trailer attached, next to the
dining tent that the guides put up for group meals.

view from tent
View we had from the front of our tent. The tent in
the background was one used by another pair from our group.

Flowers near our tent


Dinner in the dining tent

Link to Page Eight - Iceland Hiking

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