Pat's Photo Gallery

Morocco - Overseas Adventure Travel tour
April 5-25, 2022
Part One - Pre-trip to northwest Morocco
Page Three - Tetouan

Tetouan is one of the 2 major ports of Morocco on
the Mediterranean Sea (Tangier is the other one).
In 1513, it became the capital of the Spanish
Protectorate and remained the capital until
Morocco's independence in 1956.

A mosque in a small town in the Rif Mountains, seen
while we were driving through the mountains to Tetouan.

Beautiful gorge and waterfalls in the Rif Mountains

Pat above the gorge along the roadside. Photo
taken by our guide Issmail.

Another view from the same spot

Common sight. Someone walking along the road.

Market day in one of the towns we drove through

When we were walking in the crowded market areas,
we wore masks. Morocco had a low level of Covid virus
when we were there. Most people had stopped wearing
masks. Initially, the government acted quickly and enforced
mask wearing in public. Everyone entering the country had
to test negative using a RT-PCR test before their flight departure
and have received 2 doses of a Covid vaccine. Our tour
group wore masks in crowded outdoor spaces and inside when
we toured museums, etc. The tour company also required
that we had a booster shot of a Covid vaccine.

The hats are typical for this part of Morocco

Mediterranean Sea on the way to Tetouan

Cows grazing near homes in a small town. Note the carpets and clothes
hanging out to dry.

At an artisan school in Tetouan where craftsmen and their apprentices make
traditional artwork like ornamental woodwork, silk clothing, carved plaster,
and mosaics. Look at this intricate woodwork hanging on a wall.

More of the artwork at the artisan school

Walking some of the streets in Tetouan. On the left,
Iglesia de Nuestra Senora de la Victoria
(Church of Our Lady of Victory)

Worker cleaning a street in Tetouan

Walking toward the Royal Palace

At the place where we ate lunch. Since we were there during Ramadan,
we were the only ones there eating lunch.

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, observed by
Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting, prayer, reflection, and
community. It lasts 29 to 30 days from one sighting of the crescent moon
to the next. Fasting from dawn to sunset is obligatory for all adult Muslims
who are not acutely or chronically ill, traveling, elder, breastfeeding, diabetic,
or menstruating. The predawn meal is the suhur, and the nightly feast
that breaks the fast is the iftar. During Ramadan, Muslims devote more time
to prayer and acts of charity and striving to improve their self discipline.
Our guide, who is Muslim, only was able to eat dinner with us when we
dined after sunset, which was most of the time. He got up early before
sunrise to have breakfast.

The Royal Palace. The royal family has a number of palaces in Morocco.
Tourists cannot go inside, since it is a residence.

Exploring a lively marketplace in Tetouan. A vendor waving hello.

A man purchasing bread

Selling fish

Link to Page Four - Tangier

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