Pat's Photo Gallery

Bhutan, Nepal & the Mystical Himalayas
October 5-27, 2011
NEPAL - October 13-27, 2011

Page Eight - Seti River Rafting and Camp

Bamboo swing at our hotel in Pokhara. We saw a lot of these in Nepal.

Countryside view as we were driving from Pokhara to the Seti River area where we were going to start rafting to the Seti River Camp,
where we stayed 2 nights.

Near the area where we boarded our rafts

Our tour group making a fashion statement before boarding our rafts. Front row: June (oldest in the bunch at 84 & wife of the former
governor of Delaware, Russ Peterson), Pat, Kylee, Gunilla, Middle row: John, Jill, Vanie, Janelle, Gynnie, Larry.
Back row: Bill, Mick, Jan, Terry.

Loading personal gear into the rafts

Merging into the Seti River as we were starting our rafting adventure

Walking bridges exist across the river to allow access to the other side. Some of these looked sturdier than others.

Area where we stopped to eat lunch, while other rafters and kayakers head down river

Looking back in the direction we had come.

The calm before the storm. The first day of rafting on the way to the Seti
River Camp did not include as many rapids as the rafting we did leaving the Camp.
Nevertheless, we got soaked.


Vanie, Kylee, Bill, Janelle, and Mick in one of our rafts

Grounds of the Seti River Camp, which is located, naturally, along the Seti River. The tents are permanent structures.

My tent at the Seti River Camp with somewhat connected bathroom in the back and a roof overhead

Inside my tent. We were allowed to bring a few personal items plus the green bag provided by Overseas Adventure Travel.
Our suitcases stayed with the van that transported us to the Seti River.

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Flower outside my tent

We saw many large spiders in webs while we were staying in this area.

A few of us hiked up to the top of the valley to get views like this of the Seti River and also to visit a couple of villages located above.

Young boy fascinated by the foreigners in his village

Link to Page Nine of Nepal - Seti River Rafting and Camp continued
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